So that's why we went to the Moon!

When Neil Amstrong finished his space walk, he said the sentence "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky"

1995 Amstrong said, that Mr. Gorsky died years ago, so he solved the mystery

"When I was a kid, I was playing baseball with my brother in the backyard.
He hit a fly ball that landed in front of my neighbors' bedroom window.
The neighbors were Mr. & Mrs Gorsky.
As I leaned down to pick up the ball,
I heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky,
"Oral sex! Oral sex you want?
You'll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!"

RIP Neil Armstrong. Not only did you change the world by landing on the moon, but you made Mr. Gorsky the happiest man alive.
Tags: sex


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