Transform_Sep 1

A rut is a grave with the ends knocked out.
- Laurence J. Peter

Assignment: Today, spend at least an hour the way you'd like to spend eternity.

live by principles cũng tốt, nhưng cũng nên thả lỏng, relax

như hồi học ở Ngoại thương, thầy triết học dậy: "Đối nhân xử thế cũng nên khi cứng rắn, khi mềm mỏng, không nên cứng quá hay mềm quá, Lúc nào cũng CỨNG thì MỆT, mệt lắm; mà lúc nào cũng MỀM thì NHỤC, nhục lắm các đồng chí ạ"...

Dr. Laurence Johnston Peter (September 16, 1919 – January 12, 1990) was an educator
and "hierarchiologist", best known to the general public for the formulation of the Peter PrincipleHe was born in VancouverBritish Columbia, and began his career as a teacher in 1941. He received the degree of Doctor of Education from Washington State University in 1963.

Peter Principle: "In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence ... in time every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties ... Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence." The Peter Principle became one of the most profound principles of management from the University of Southern California. It is a heavily quoted principle at the Marshall School of Business.
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