Transform_Sep 2

To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset

Conditioned mind, or karma, is the only thing that wants to be right and thinks it is. We can't know anything about life except what has already happened. (And that's all projection!) What we habitually think is conditioning.

Assignment: Today, get out of your head and let life surprise you.

hôm Thứ 6 đi họp ở Sofitel, họp xong đi bộ, dọc Hồ Tây về cơ quan vợ ở Phùng Hưng, đến chỗ ghế đá hồi trước (nơi hẹn hò, nói lời yêu và cầu hôn cũng ở đây) đứng nghỉ chân lát, rồi lấy điện thoại ra thử google latitude xem hiện mình ở đâu. Nói chung, sai số chỉ 800 m thôi như Google nói, cũng hay phết, màn hình hiển thị mình đang ở... giữa mênh mông nước Hồ Tây, thiệt là phăn lì...

José Ortega y Gasset (9 May 1883 – 18 October 1955) was a Spanish liberal philosopher and
essayist working during the first half of the 20th century while Spain oscillated between monarchy, republicanism and dictatorship. He was, along with Nietzsche, a proponent of the idea of perspectivism, which was pioneered in European thought by Immanuel Kant.
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