Transform_Sep 6

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.
- John Southard

Assignment: Today, wreak vengeance!

đã lâu lắm rồi, không có hận thù gì ai hết, sống an vui... :)

John Eager Howard (June 4, 1752 – October 12, 1827) was an American soldier and politician
from Maryland. He was elected as governor of the state in 1789, and served three one-year terms. He also was elected to the Continental Congress, Congress of the United States (US) and the US Senate. He was born in and died in Baltimore County. Howard County, Maryland, is named for him.

He was the son of Cornelius Howard and Ruth (Eager) Howard, of the Maryland planter elite and was born at their plantation "Belvedere," which he inherited after their deaths. Howard grew up in an Anglican slaveholding family. This was the established church of the Chesapeake Bay colonies. Howard joined the Baltimore lodge of Freemasonry and eventually became a Brother...
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