Transform_Oct 3

We cannot see things as they really are until we let go the idea of a separate self.
- John Daido Loori

Assignment: Today, practice seeing that you are in life as a fish is in the ocean - - at one with, a product of, unable to live without, not separate in any way.

John Daido Loori (June 14, 1931 – October 9, 2009) was a Zen Buddhist rōshi who served as the abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery and was the founder of the Mountains and Rivers Order and CEO of Dharma Communications. Daido Loori received shiho (dharma transmission) from Taizan Maezumi in 1986 and also received a Dendo Kyoshi certificate formally from the Soto school of Japan in 1994. In addition to his role as a Zen Buddhist priest, Loori was an exhibited photographer and author of more than twenty books...
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