"Save my life" nghĩa là gì?

Động từ to save có nghĩa là cứu vớt và life nghĩa là đời sống, mạng sống. Thành ngữ này, 'to save one's life', khi được dùng trong một câu phủ định, có nghĩa là “ngay dù mạng sống của một người tùy thuộc vào một điều gì đó” .

Ví dụ
“Adventurous, I am not. I’d rather die than go skydiving or mountain climbing. No one could get me to practice any of those sports to save my life. I’ll let the thrill seekers have their fun. There’s simply no possibility of me ever doing anything that’s really dangerous.”

“Recently my community sponsored a talent show. There were certainly plenty of singing acts. I may not have a great singing voice, but I can carry a tune. Yet there were some performers who weren’t able to sing to save their lives!”

To spare có nghĩa là dư thừa, không cần đến.

Ví dụ
“I love the city, but I don’t miss my old cramped apartment there. I remember when my wife and I moved to our house in the suburbs, which was huge by comparison. In fact, for months we did not know that to do with all the rooms to spare.”

“At the office, we have a jar in which employees can deposit coins they find in their pockets of spare change. Over time, it adds up. We keep it, so that if we need to buy flowers or a sympathy card for someone, we have a little money available.”
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