Transform_Jan 27

This is your time, your world, your pleasure.
- William Stafford

Assignment: Today, realize that now is the time, here is the place. Take a breath and feel the pleasure.

William Edgar Stafford (January 17, 1914 – August 28, 1993) was an American poet and pacifist, and the father of poet and essayist Kim Stafford. He was appointed the twentieth Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1970. Stafford was born in Hutchinson, Kansas, the oldest of three children in a highly literate family. During the Depression, his family moved from town to town in an effort to find work for his father. Stafford helped contribute to family income by delivering newspapers, working in sugar beet fields, raising vegetables, and working as an electrician's apprentice. During this time he had a near death experience in a local swimming hole. He graduated from high school in the town of Liberal in 1933. After attending junior college, he received a B.A. from the University of Kansas in 1937. He was drafted into the United States armed forces in 1941, while pursuing his master's degree at the University of Kansas, when he became a conscientious objector... 

Godiva County, Montana
She's a big country. Her undulations
roll and flower in the sun. Those flanks
quiver when the wind caresses the grass.
Who turns away when so generous a body
offers to play hide-and-seek all summer?
One shoulder leans bare all the way up
the mountain; limbs range and plunge
wildly into the river. We risk our eyes
every day; they celebrate' they dance
and flirt over this offered treasure.
“Be alive, “ the land says. “Listen—
this is your time, your world, your pleasure.”

When it's your own pain, you notice it.
A bird that sings whey you go by.
No road goes far enough—you understand?
And no sound can find the note—some call
has caught what wrings hope
out of evil history. But we can't reach it,
hear it, find a way to deserve
even the immediate offering. I reach far beyond
the music, run forth to contemplate
a clod, or a mountain. They help, yes,
but no road goes far enough. You understand?

Source for pic: thanks (du lịch Locarno, Thụy Sĩ)
Tags: transform


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