"Tried and true" nghĩa là gì?

Các nhà khoa học đã kết luận rằng cây lô hội có thể giúp làm dịu vết bỏng.

Thành ngữ 'tried and true' có từ try có nghĩa là thử thách và true là chân thật hay chính xác. Thành ngữ này được dùng để chỉ một điều gì đã qua thử thách và được chứng tỏ là chân thật.

Ví dụ
“She took a look at the burn and went to her windowsill. She got a cutting from this plant called aloe and squeezed some of its milk onto my hand. Sure enough, it cooled the burn. Later on, I came to understand that this was no folk remedy. Scientists have concluded that the aloe plant can help soothe burns. Its medicinal qualities are not hearsay, they’re tried and true.”

“It was hard being stationed overseas in the army when my mom developed cancer. I couldn’t always travel to see her. Fortunately, her girlfriends were there to help out. They made sure that she got to her doctor appointments, ran errands for her and took care of her every need. What tried and true friends!”

'Tug of war' là trò chơi kéo co giữa hai đội, kéo hai đầu một sợi dây thừng cho đến khi bên này lôi được bên kia vượt qua vạch ở giữa. Thành ngữ này cũng có nghĩa là cuộc chiến đấu gay go giữa đôi bên để tranh giành ảnh hưởng.

Ví dụ
“How I am supposed to decide where to go to school? Dad’s been talking non-stop about Yale, where his side of the family has gone for generations. Then mom reminds me that her relatives all graduated from Princeton. The pressure is too much. Maybe if I tell them I’m taking a job instead, the tug of war will end.”

“When my brother writes out a prescription for a pharmacist to fill, he’s often in a tug of war with hospital administrators. He wants to prescribe the best medicine for a patient whereas the administrator wants him to save the hospital money by choosing a less-expensive medication.”
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