Từ chung chung tới cụ thể

khi bắt đầu dự án nào đó,

độc giả, khách hàng... sẽ đón nhận...
via Seth's blog,

There's no doubt that it's easier to start an organization (or a project) around specific.

The more specific the better. When you have a handful of ideal potential clients (khách hàng tiềm năng lý tưởng) and a solution that is customized and perfect for them, it's far easier to get started than when you offer everything to everyone.

Not only that, but the specific makes it easier to be remarkable, to overdeliver and to create conversations, because you know precisely what will delight the user.

Once you master your specific, you can do the work to become general, because you have cash flow (dòng tiền) and reputation (danh tiếng) and experience (kinh nghiệm).

The flipside (khía cạnh khác) of this is interesting: if you have somehow, against all odds, managed to succeed in the general, the move to specific is almost effortless (không tốn nhiều công sức). If you can change your reflex action that consistently pushes you to mass, the market you've chosen will embrace the fact that you, the general one, are now truly focused on them, the specifics.

Bài trước: Hằng ngày
Tags: skill

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