"Keep a straight face" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Pedro Diniz.

"Keep a straight face" (shared via VOA) có một từ mới là face nghĩa là gương mặt, bộ mặt. Vì thế keep a straight face có nghĩa là tự kiềm chế để giữ một bộ mặt bình thản, không cười.

Ví dụ
Linda has such a strange (kì lạ) voice but loves to sing. Everytime she sings at office Christmas parties, it’s difficult for her colleagues to keep a straight face (khó nín cười).

Just as my grandfather was saying grace (cầu nguyện tạ ơn trước bữa ăn) at the dinner table, our dog ran into the room. Somehow she had found his false teeth (hàm răng giả) and had them in her mouth. It was so funny (buồn cười) we started to laugh. We could no longer keep a straight face.

Straphangers (hành khách đứng trên xe buýt/tàu hỏa tay bám vào cái quai treo ở trần) are picking out their best pair of underwear for Sunday’s annual No Pants Subway Ride. The event started in 2002 by Improv Everywhere as a prank (trò tinh quái) by seven guys. No Pants Subway Ride has grown in popularity and takes place around the world every January. There’s only two rules — you must be “willing to take pants off on subway” and “able to keep a straight face about it.”

"In college, I was one of the few engineering students to still use the slide rule; a lot were using calculators at that point," he said. Then his hand goes to his shirt pocket, which is empty. "I was the last pocket protector engineer," he said. When he started his job, he ruined two shirts because of mechanical pencils. "I'm more scared of my wife than fashion," he said, not able to keep a straight face.
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