Tháp Tesla ở Nga

mạnh hơn tất cả các cơ sở phát điện hiện tại ở Nga (kể cả hạt nhân)...
Western energy sanctions (cấm vận năng lượng) levied (áp đặt) against Russia are already threatening to trickle down (chảy nhỏ giọt) and compromise the energy security of the entire EU, according to the most recent reports.

Amid economic and political instability, ingenuity (tài khéo léo) often arises. 40 miles west of Moscow lies "The High Voltage Marx and Tesla Generators Research Facility."

Russia has long experimented both economically and militarily with Tesla technology, but now more than ever there is heightened interest in moving from tests to implementation. According to Russian sources, once fully online, the Marx Generator has the "power equal to all power generation facilities in Russia – including thermoelectric (nhiệt điện), hydroelectric (thủy điện), nuclear (hạt nhân), solar, and wind power stations combined." However, so far that potential has only been measured in microseconds. The following exclusive drone footage is the latest that is available of the facility. Perhaps the release of this footage is mere political posturing, but the principles of Tesla electricity generation do appear to be in place and bear watching.

Meanwhile, other serious efforts have been undertaken by Russian scientists to rebuild Tesla's iconic Wardenclyffe tower independent of this Marx Generator facility.

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