Walt Disney tiêm nhiễm cho đầu óc non nớt của trẻ thơ như thế nào và vì sao?

There is a saying “get them while they’re young”. This has been a method Disney have incorporated across the majority of its material and the worrying thing is its audience is children in particular. Think about this for a second. Your every day life is full of subliminal and information absorbed like a sponge …

Here is a movie named Fantasia, release in 1940. It is well know for its Satanic symbolism.

Here is the cover art for the movie, "The Little Mermaid".

Here is a still taken from the movie, "The Rescuers".

So why is Disney trying to corrupt the public?

Because a corrupt society is easier to control.

So what is the result from all this conditioning?
Children see.
Children do.

Remember "Who framed Roger Rabbit"?

Do you know why she is wearing a Red dress?


Watch the full video, click here.

Bài trước: Khuyến khích trẻ vận động và chơi thể thao
Tags: parenting

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