Câu hỏi chưa được trả lời về Chúa Giêsu

No one has had their life story as thoroughly analyzed as Jesus's. Nearly every moment of Christ's existence has been poured over by scholars and interpreted and re-interpreted. Yet there still remain some gigantic gaps in our knowledge, such as what Jesus did between the ages of 12 and 30.

Following the story of Jesus's birth and early years, the Gospels go strangely silent on their main character for this huge chunk of His life. We've got no idea what Jesus did during adolescence (thời thanh niên) and young adulthood. This gap of information is so glaring that hundreds of books have been written on the subject, all advancing their own pet theories. There's speculation that He visited England, spent time in the desert, or even took the ancient equivalent of a gap year and vanished off to India. On the other hand, He may have simply bummed around Galilee, working as a carpenter.

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