"Rank and file" nghĩa là gì?

A young South Vietnamese soldier, seriously injured, being carried on a stretcher (cáng) by his fellow soldiers to the infirmary (bệnh xá). Saigon (Vietnam), 1968. (Photo by Angelo Cozzi/Mondadori Portfolio). Photo courtesy manhhai.

'Rank and file' có từ rank là cấp bậc và file là hàng quân; và vì thế có nghĩa là các thành viên bình thường của một tổ chức, trái ngược với lãnh đạo của tổ chức đó (the ordinary members of an organization as opposed to its leaders); hay nghĩa là quân nhập ngũ, trừ hạ sĩ quan, trong quân đội (the enlisted troops, excluding noncommissioned officers, in an army).

Ví dụ
The nation's largest banks are again under attack — this time over how they treat their own rank-and-file employees.

Even as she took fire from Republicans for lax (lỏng lẻo, không chặt chẽ) enforcement (thực thi), Ms. Saldana faced criticism from Democrats who said her agents are still doing too much to go after rank-and-file illegal immigrants.

One of the Victorian Labor government's major policy plans has been attacked by rank and file ALP members, revealing a growing internal dissent over the privatisation (tư nhân hóa) of public assets (tài sản công).

The casualties were not his only struggle. Lincoln had to cycle through one commander after another until he found one who would fight. He watched his son Willie die in the White House and his wife, Mary Todd, sink into depression (trầm cảm). Yet thanks to his faith in God and his deep belief that he was waging war for a just cause (chính nghĩa), Lincoln persisted. One hallmark of Lincoln’s leadership was that he established an affectionate bond with rank-and-file soldiers.

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