"To say the least" nghĩa là gì?

'To say the least' nghĩa là nói vừa phải, không quá cường điệu vấn đề, chủ đề nào đó.

Ví dụ
Traffic in Jeddah is nightmarish (ác mộng) to say the least.

Turkey's current steps and reactions (phản ứng) at the latest developments (tiến triển gần đây nhất), to say the least, are not adequate (chưa thích đáng).

Sony's mobile business is struggling (khó khăn, vật lộn), to say the least.

In June 2005, everything changed. Iran held a presidential election. The process was suspicious (đáng ngờ), to say the least. The Council of Guardians, a handful of senior Islamic clerics (giáo sĩ), decided who was on the ballot. The clerics used the Basij Corps, a militia-like unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (Lực lượng Vệ binh Cách mạng Hồi giáo Iran), to manage turnout (cử tri đi bầu) and influence the vote. Tehran Mayor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner. Not surprisingly (chẳng có gì đáng ngạc nhiên), he had strong support from the Basij.

Especially given the disappointing results, and after Armistice Day (ngày đình chiến), rumors (tin đồn) circulated constantly (không ngừng) about who might succeed Kelly. One persistent theory was that Trump would select Nick Ayers, Pence’s Chief of Staff (chánh văn phòng). It was unusual, to say the least, to move from working for the VP to working for the President, but Jim Baker had gone from being George H. W. Bush’s campaign manager in 1980 to being Reagan’s White House Chief of Staff. Ayers’s political skills made him a logical choice, if Kelly decided to leave, for a President looking toward a reelection campaign, but the real question was whether Ayers wanted it.

Phạm Hạnh

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