"Out of a limb" nghĩa là gì?

Chickadee having a bad hair day. Photo courtesy photogramma1.

'Out of a limb' có từ limb là chân tay, cành cây to; vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là chơ vơ, chơi vơi, không bấu víu vào đâu được.

Ví dụ
Rubbish idea leaves lawyer (almost) out of a limb.

A lot will depend on the Primrose Lane development; if this is delayed this school would be out of a limb.

I just don’t want them left out of a limb on their own, and I get a great deal out of it. A biscuit, a cup of tea and a chat, and you know you’ve made their day.

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