Giúp các mẹ đối phó với CSGT

mỗi lần cảnh sát định mở mồm nói là cởi dần từng áo một, cởi đến quần chắc csgt chạy mất dép luôn :D
A naked woman who was taken into custody for disorderly (mất trật tự xã hội, bừa bãi phóng đãng) conduct (hạnh kiểm, tư cách đạo đức) at a Miami gentleman's club kicked out a police car window as she was being taken to jail Tuesday, police said.

When officers arrived Llanos was on the side of the building yelling (gào thét) and screaming profanities (lời báng bổ, lời tục tĩu). As the officers spoke with her, Llanos began taking her clothes off and continued yelling.

The officers told Llanos several times to put her clothes back on but she refused. Llanos, who is listed in the report as a dancer, also had a strong odor of alcohol (mùi rượu) on her breath (hơi thở).

Llanos is also expected to face a criminal mischief (tai họa, mối nguy hại) charge and be booked into jail after her release from the hospital.

Tags: sex

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