"Save your own skin" nghĩa là gì?

Chỉ muốn yên thân thôi. Photo courtesy antjeverena.

'Save your own skin' nghĩa là bảo vệ mình khỏi khó khăn, nguy hiểm mà không quan tâm, lo lắng gì đến người khác (to protect yourself from danger or difficulties, without worrying about other people); cầu an bảo mạng.

Ví dụ
During the trial Rampling described her and her mother as ‘liars’, which was an attempt “to save your own skin,” said Judge Menary.

Killing Yoshi to save your own skin is a time-honored tradition in Mario. Noble players who decide against ruthlessness do exist, though.

In the debate Jeb Bush said, “It’s weak to disparage (làm mất thể diện, xem thường, miệt thị) women. It’s weak to denigrate (phỉ báng, bôi nhọ, làm mất danh dự) the disabled. And, it’s really weak to call John McCain a loser (kẻ thất bại).” (It’s also weak to use bankruptcy to save your own skin while leaving creditors and employees high and dry (bị mắc cạn).) Bush could also have said it is not the behavior of someone who takes faith seriously.

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