Nghệ nhân vui tính và những gốc cây "quái vật"

cứ tạo hình 'dương cụ' để ở rừng, bể bơi, công viên, lần này là cái to nhất, dài hơn 1m, cư dân đang đau đầu ko biết chàng là ai...
Employees of Hagfors, a municipality of around 12,000 people in the Värmland region in western Sweden, are scratching their heads over a mysterious giant wooden penis found in the middle of a busy park.

..."It's not the first wooden penis we've found, but it's absolutely the biggest. We tend to find the penises here and there: often in the forest, or near swimming spots. But this time there was a huge penis sitting right in the middle of central Hagfors, in a popular park. All the penises are very well made, and the people or person who makes them has been putting a lot of effort into it. Sometimes they're lacquered, sometimes painted."

Tags: sex

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