Lợi ích bất ngờ của buôn chuyện

giúp điều chỉnh hành vi,

chúng ta thường nghĩ tiêu cực về việc ngồi lê đôi mách, những chính việc này và do sợ bị đàm tiếu, mà chúng ta có hành động đúng mực hơn,
Dear Dan,

I’ve read that gossip represents a huge proportion of people’s communication with each other. Why do you think gossip (ngồi lê đôi mách, chuyện tầm phào) is so pervasive?


The short answer is it’s titillating (kích thích, mắc cười). But there is a deeper reason for why people dish about other people: It is society’s way of regulating behavior (điều chỉnh hành vi). We usually think negatively of gossip, but fear of being gossiped about can be beneficial.

A 2011 study by Bianca Beersma and Gerben A. Van Kleef about why people gossip illustrated this. They gave 147 participants lottery tickets and told them to allocate as many as they wanted to themselves or to others. Some of the participants were led to believe that the group would gossip about their decision. These subjects acted more charitably: They kept fewer tickets for themselves and gave more to the group.

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