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để giải thích cho việc vì sao nhậu say lại tỉnh dậy trong bệnh viện sau khi được phẫu thuật lấy ra con lươn bị tắc ở... lỗ đít :D

The man in his 40s, who did not want to be named, was taken for treatment at Nanchang University hospital in eastern China where x-rays revealed the creature was in his abdomen (bụng dưới).

Doctors said the Asian swamp eel had wriggled (quằn quại, uốn éo, luồn lách) its way up the man’s body and was causing a serious obstruction.

The eel – a delicacy (đặc sản, đồ ăn ngon, cao lương mỹ vị) in coastal China – was eventually removed from the man’s body and he is now recovering in hospital.

Surgeons (bác sĩ phẫu thuật) believe the eel was inserted up (nhét vào) his anus  (lỗ đít) deliberately (cố tình) but they declined to reveal exactly what happened to spare the man’s blushes (đỏ mặt, xấu hổ, ngượng ngùng).

Tags: sex

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