Dắt chó ra đường không rọ mõm sẽ bị phạt nặng

Vietnam: Không đeo rọ mõm cho chó hoặc không xích giữ chó, không có người dắt khi đưa chó ra nơi công cộng bị phạt từ 600.000 đồng đến 800.000 đồng.

TQ: một phụ nữ khiếm thị bị từ chối lên tàu do chó dẫn đường ko rọ mõm bị cấm -> đề nghị sửa luật

(Transport authority says staff followed regulations to the letter, but visually impaired woman says those letters should be rewritten.
Animals have long been banned on China’s public transportation because of the public safety risks they can present.)

A golden retriever (chó tha mồi) was recently turned away by Beijing subway staff for not being properly muzzled (rọ mõm), leading her visually impaired (khiếm thị) owner to criticize  (chỉ trích) the transport authority’s unsympathetic (không thông cảm) regulations and again casting a spotlight on China’s spotty treatment of people with disabilities.

Despite checking Xu’s disability certificate to verify that she was indeed visually impaired, the security staff turned her away because her dog was not wearing a muzzle, which they argued might cause passengers to feel uncomfortable or frightened.

The dispute lasted more than six hours, until the subway closed at midnight. After demanding an apology (xin lỗi), Xu and her husband were escorted to a private room, where they remained for several hours. Eventually, they were promised a written apology from lower-level staff, though the station head did not end up approving this request.

Xu described the police officers who arrived at the scene as rude (thô lỗ) and intimidating (đáng sợ).

Tags: china

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