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dép trong phòng tự chạy về đúng chỗ, sử dụng công nghệ của xe hơi tự hành...
The self-parking slippers by Nissan: 'Smart' Japanese hotel offers guests footwear that moves back into position when not being worn using car sensor technology

In Japan, where old traditions are constantly being updated with new technology, one inn is making use of automated driving technology to offer the latest in hands-free hospitality - self-driving slippers.

Nissan has developed a system for slippers to 'park' themselves at the entrance of the traditional inn at the push of a button, ready for guests to use upon arrival.

Each slipper is equipped with two tiny wheels, a motor and sensors to 'drive' across the wooden lobby floor using Nissan's ProPilot Park technology.

Tags: japan

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