Thu tiền đóng góp "tự nguyện" cho nhà trường

đừng làm thế nữa, trung quốc cho điều tra những trường yêu cầu phụ huynh đóng góp "tự nguyện", gửi tiền "cảm ơn" cô giáo rồi đấy...
Discipline and education authorities in southwestern China ordered an investigation into a local middle school on Tuesday after it charged “voluntary” fees for weekend classes,

the junior high school in Ya’an, a city in Sichuan province, had asked parents to pay an “appreciation fee” of at least 1,200 yuan ($180) for teachers who work overtime giving classes on the weekends.

Public schools in China are supposed to be free during the compulsory education period from first to ninth grade. Many do charge small administrative fees of up to a few hundred yuan, but a sum of more than 1,000 is unusual...

Tags: china


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