Thực trạng bệnh viện tuyến huyện: Mất niềm tin

phẫu thuật mổ sọ não trên... nhầm bệnh nhân, như trường hợp ở kenya

Staff from nurses to the CEO have been suspended at a Nairobi hospital after the wrong patient underwent brain surgery.

One patient needed surgery for a blood clot on the brain, the other only non-invasive treatment for swelling. But a horrifying mix-up of identification tags saw the wrong man operated on, reports say. The doctors did not realise their mistake until "hours into the surgery", they then realised "there was no blood clot".

...Social media users have expressed shock that such an incident could have been allowed to happen. It comes only six weeks after the health minister ordered an investigation into claims new mothers were sexually assaulted (sản phụ bị quấy rối tình dục) at the same hospital.

Tags: health


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