Điều bạn nên biết về bác sĩ tim mạch giỏi

bệnh nhân có khả năng sống sót cao hơn khi bị đau tim mà bác sĩ ko ở cạnh để chữa trị

...they examined the 30-day survival rate of Medicare heart attack sufferers admitted to the hospital while their doctors were at the five-day Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics meeting. After analyzing the results, they found that 19.5 percent of patients died within 30 days of admission when the doctor was present. It was just 16.9 percent when the cardiologist was away.

Some heart attack sufferers require stents (một khung đỡ bằng kim loại, có thể phủ thuốc hoặc không, nhằm mở rộng lòng mạch vành bị tắc hẹp và tái lưu thông dòng máu tới tim), which are tubes inserted into the heart blood vessels to help clear passageways. About 15.3 percent of heart attack patients, who needed stents and were admitted on meeting days, died within 30 days. About 16.7 percent admitted on non-meeting dates died within the month.

“Which doctor treats you does matter. The types of doctors who attend these meetings seem to provide different care, at least for a subgroup of patients,” coauthor Aunupam Jena said in a statement. “This is an unfortunate paradox given that professional conferences are designed to actually makes us better physicians and improve the care we deliver.”

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