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Early indications (biểu thị, dấu hiệu; tác dụng chữa được bệnh gì, chủ trị) of a UC Davis study show feeding dairy cows seaweed (rong biển, tảo biển) may reduce (giảm) methane emissions (phát thải) caused by their belching (ợ to),

...The two test groups eat seaweed sweetened with molasses (mật đường) for two weeks at a time before returning to a normal diet for a week. Each cow eats a snack from an open-air device that simultaneously (đồng thời) measures (đo lường, đo đạc) their breath's (hơi thở) methane content. Their milk is also tested for yield, flavor and nutritional content throughout the experiment.

California lawmakers passed legislation in 2016 that forced owners of the state's 1.4 million dairy cows to cut methane emissions by 40 percent by 2030. Dairy farmers have experimented with greenhouse gas reduction techniques such as methane digesters in recent years in hopes of finding a cost-effective way to comply with the new regulations. Cows emit methane primarily through belching as well as defecation (đại tiện) and flatulence (đầy hơi; tự cao tự đại, rỗng tuếch).

“Results are not final, but so far we are seeing substantial emission reductions," Kebreab said...

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