"A good servant but a bad master" nghĩa là gì?

Fire is a good servant but a bad master. Photo courtesy California National Guard.

'A good servant but a bad master' nghĩa là một phương tiện chứ không phải là mục đích; vật để dùng chứ không phải để thờ (You must be careful to use it wisely and under control so that it will not hurt you).

Ví dụ
Money is a good servant but a bad master and people are encouraged never to allow money take the place of God in their lives. It is God that gives power to make wealth and teaches the hands to profit hence we must constantly call to him for his wisdom and power to excel in our finances.

City grandee Charlotte Black has penned a thoughtful piece on reconnecting stakeholders with capitalism. It’s a timely intervention (see today’s leader article) and begins with the John Eatwell quote that “the market is a good servant but a bad master”. Black’s diagnosis about the disconnect between investors, institutions and governance is spot on – and her proposed remedies deserve serious consideration.

Technology can be a good servant, but a bad master. The age of instant everything is upon us, as the internet gives us unprecedented connectivity and freedom of information. Our world is one of instant messaging and instant response, instant gratification and instant solace. No educator can ignore the hold of social media on the younger generation. But such power and promise comes with its own perils. Social media has totally altered the way we communicate. It can bring people together, but also divide a community and magnify its differences. It is a domain where users are not bound by traditional rules, and where it is difficult if not impossible to distinguish reality from myth.

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