Chim to thì lo ngay ngáy

các nhà khoa học lý giải nguyên nhân một số loài tuyệt chủng vì bộ phận sinh dục của con đực quá to so với con cái :D

Did you know that having large genitals (cơ quan sinh dục ngoài) can actually cause extinction (tuyệt chủng)? Inverse (đảo ngược, nghịch đảo) science editor Yasmin Tayag explains how a species ran into evolutionary (tiến hóa) disaster (thảm họa) after becoming too big for their britches.

Throughout the 20-million-year span in which the scientists studied, some species of ostracods (loại giáp xác nhỏ sống ký sinh bên trong những loại sò) lived the whole time, while others only lived a few thousand years. That may sound like a while, but to give you some perspective, modern homo sapiens have been around for over 300,000 years. So what was the common factor that tied the short-lived species together? Big genitals. The scientists found that in species where males had larger genitals, the extinction rate was 10 times higher than that of the species with smaller, um, appendages (phần phụ, phần thêm vào). Sorry, guys, as it turns out size is everything.

The team of scientists believes these little guys were putting all of their evolutionary energy into having killer crustacean (loài tôm cua, giáp xác) sex that they were ignoring every other aspect of survival. Similarly to a hot ‘n’ heavy casual hookup, it’s really fun in the moment, but if you don’t put the work in for a long-term relationship, it’s not going to last.

So it turns out small and steady wins the race...

Tags: sex

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