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ăn cắp ngón chân từ triển lãm xác chết :)

The 28-year-old appeared in the Auckland District Court today before a Community Magistrate charged with stealing two deceased (đã chết, quá cố) human toes (ngón chân) from the Body Worlds Vital exhibition in Auckland on May 4.

The toes, which have been returned to the exhibition, are valued at $5500.

The man, who has interim name suppression, is also charged with improperly (không thích hợp, không đúng lúc, không phải phép) interfering (động vào cái gì khiến xảy ra rắc rối, gây trở ngại, cản trở; quấy rầy; cưỡng dâm) with the dead body of an unknown person.

...Body Worlds Vital is a travelling exhibition of human remains that have been preserved through plastination (nhựa hóa), their fluids (chất lỏng, nước) and fats (mỡ) swapped with plastics. Dr Angelina Whalley and her husband Dr Gunther von Hagens, who invented plastination in the 1970s at the University of Heidelberg to teach students about anatomy, established Body Worlds in 1997. Since then more than 17,000 people have donated their bodies to von Hagens' Institute for Plastination, which also sends plastinated specimens (mẫu) to medical schools (trường y) around the world.

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