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bị phạt sở hữu súng bất hợp pháp vì...có hình xăm khẩu súng trên trán :))

Michael Vines allegedly attempted to ditch (vứt bỏ, quăng đi) a loaded .38-caliber revolver after a recent car wreck (tai nạn ôtô) by throwing it into a grassy (cỏ mọc đầy) area.

Vines is federally prohibited from possessing a firearm (vũ khí).

He also has a handgun tattooed (xăm) on his forehead (trán), according to a mugshot (ảnh căn cước) posted by the department.

Vines was charged with driving with a suspended license (treo bằng), driving too fast for conditions and unlawful carrying of a firearm.

Tags: funny

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