Vì sao không có muỗi ở Disney World

không đủ tiền vé vào cửa chứ sao nữa :)

đùa thôi, để khách chơi không bị phiền toái, khó chịu, công viên áp dụng nhiều biện pháp: phun thuốc trừ sâu, bẫy CO2, và cả nuôi gà nữa...

...Disney World is so dedicated to making sure you have the time of your life that they've made the bugs practically disappear (biến mất).

It would be a feat to get rid of pesky mosquitoes (muỗi) anywhere, but Disney World is in Florida, a.k.a. swamp (đầm lầy) territory, where insects (côn trùng) are more abundant (nhiều hơn mức đủ, thừa mứa) than other places. Bugs are annoying (khó chịu, bực mình, quấy rầy, làm phiền), but they're also dangerous (nguy hiểm) if they're carrying diseases (bệnh) like Zika, and Disney has a responsibility to protect its guests. In short, Disney gets rid of the pests by employing a comprehensive program (chương trình tổng thể) that includes spraying (phun) insecticides (thuốc trừ sâu) and maintaining natural predators, and they do all of this with a level of vigilance (cảnh giác, thận trọng, đề phòng) that's fearsome to behold (nhìn thấy, xem).

The park has something called the Mosquito Surveillance Program to manage it all. There are carbon dioxide traps (bẫy) everywhere, and once they catch bugs, the team at Disney freezes and analyzes (phân tích) the population (quần thể) to determine (xác định) how best to eradicate (trừ tiệt, xóa bỏ, nhổ rễ) them. Interestingly enough, they also employ the use of chickens (gà). These sentinel (lính gác, lính canh) chickens, as they're called, live in coops  (lồng gà; cái đó, cái lờ; nhà tù, trại giam) all over Disney World. While these feathered employees are going about their daily life, their blood is being monitored for mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus. Lucky for the chickens, they don't get sick from the virus—but if they do pick it up, the Disney team knows where in the park they got it from so they can deliver a swift blow to the mosquitoes in that area.

Tags: health

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