Góp tiếng nói bảo vệ động vật hoang dã

đóng cửa bãi tắm tiên, vì sợ "hoạt động phụ" ảnh hướng tới chim chiền chiện :)

The Belgian Naturism Federation has come to the defence of its burgeoning membership after the Flemish wildlife agency blocked an application for a second nudist beach (bãi tắm khỏa thân) in the country on the grounds that bathers’ “subsidiary activities” would pose a threat to a rare bird.

The Flemish Agency for Nature and Woodland informed the region’s environment minister, Joke Schauvliege, that the lark (chim chiền chiện), whose name derives from the feathers on its head that rise up during courtship, would be alarmed by the activity and would flee.

A subsequent suggestion that a fence could be established around the dunes (đụn cát, cồn cát) where the birds breed was met with scepticism. Steve Vandenberghe, the local mayor in Bredene, where Belgium’s first and only nudist beach is located, told the Flemish daily newspaper Het Nieuwsblad that it would not offer much of a deterrence. “Barbed wire against nudists? Pff. As if a man without clothes cannot get over a barbed wire,” he said.

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