Lâu thật vậy sao?

nghiên cứu cho thấy, bệnh nhân mới nói được... 11 giây là bác sĩ ngắt lời luôn...

Ever feel like your doctor (bác sĩ) is in a rush (vội vã) to get you out the door (tống ra cửa) when you come in for a visit? You’re not just imagining things. A new study finds physicians  (bác sĩ) give a patient (bệnh nhân) an average of just 11 seconds to describe (miêu tả) their issue (thể trạng) before cutting them off (ngắt lời).

Researchers from the University of Florida determined that for all the waiting we do after we arrive at a medical practitioner’s office, its the doctors who seem to have the least amount of patience (kiên nhẫn).

“Our results suggest that we are far from achieving patient-centered care,” says study co-author Naykky Singh Ospina in a release, adding that medicals specialists proved to be in the biggest hurry, compared to primary care (chăm sóc ban đầu) physicians.

...examine the flow of conversation between clinicians and patients, and more importantly, see how viable it was for the most important person in the room — the patient, of course — to lead the discussion. Her researchers secured videos of consultations that were filmed in clinics (phòng mạch, phòng khám) across the U.S. as training sessions for the physicians between 2008 and 2015.

Bài trước: Nước sông ô nhiễm
Tags: health

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