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quá béo phì khiến lừa ở đảo du lịch santorini, hy lạp sụn cả lưng

The Greek island of Santorini is known for its stunning views, steeps hills, and tradition of using donkeys as the main form of transportation. While most tourists love traveling the island on a donkey, activists are now saying visitors from the U.S. and Europe are too fat to sit on the animals.

...“Locals have even started breeding their donkeys with stronger mules so it is easier for them to carry fatter tourists,”

“It’s recommended that animals should carry no more than 20 percent of their own body weight,” a spokesman for Help the Santorini Donkeys told the Daily Mail. “The obese and overweight tourists, combined with the lack of shade and water as well as the sheer heat and 568 cobbled steps, is what is causing such a problem.”

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