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sóc bị kẹt hai hòn dái ở hàng rào :D

David Prince was walking with his son on Monday when he found the rodent (loài gặm nhấm) clinging to a wooden barrier in peculiar (lạ kỳ, khác thường) fashion.

Looking closer, he was stunned (kinh ngạc, choáng váng, sững sờ) to see the squirrel (con sóc) had somehow managed to wedge (nêm, chèn, lèn) his crown jewels between two planks.

Moving to the other side of the fence (hàng rào), the squirrel can be seen frantically trying to free itself.

...After being taken aback by the strange scene, David tried to free the critter.

'I used a stick to pry his nuts up to the top of the fence,' he said. 'I broke one stick trying and we also tried to pry the fence apart. 'He ran off into the bushes (bụi cây, bụi rậm) and haven't seen him since.'

Bài trước: Eo, mùi gì kinh thế?
Tags: funny


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