Chúng tôi, đương nhiên, cũng đồng ý

thuốc cho bò uống để phân bò... ít thối hơn đã được chấp thuận :D

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved (chấp thuận, phê chuẩn, phê duyệt, chuẩn y) a drug (thuốc, ma túy, thuốc ngủ) which reduces the amount of ammonia released in cow manure (phân bón, phân xanh). The drug is designed to make the animal (động vật) excrement (cứt, phân) smell better and will help make pastures (đồng cỏ, bãi cỏ) more environmentally friendly (thân thiện với môi trường). Tests showed the product was safe for cattle and for consumers, but may make some beef products a little tougher, the FDA said.

Tags: health


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