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nữ tiếp viên cho con của hành khách (hết sữa công thức) bú :)

A flight attendant (nữ tiếp viên) went the extra mile for a mother who had run out of formula to feed her baby on a domestic flight in the Philippines.

...Organo said she knew the flight was going to be significant. Not only was she qualified on that flight for the role of cabin crew evaluator but she also "got to help."

"Thank you, Lord for the gift of mother's milk," she wrote.

Breastfeeding has numerous health benefits for babies. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it lowers the risks of some infections, Type 2 diabetes and asthma (bệnh hen, suyễn) -- to name but a few.

But the US Food and Drug Administration recommends checking with a doctor before feeding a baby breast milk from another mother.

Feeding a baby milk from a woman who is not the mother risks exposing the child to infectious (hay lây, lây nhiễm; nhanh chóng ảnh hưởng đến người khác, có thể lan truyền sang người khác) diseases (bệnh), "to chemical contaminants (chất gây ô nhiễm), such as some illegal drugs, and to a limited number of prescription drugs that might be in the human milk," according to the FDA's website.

Tags: kid


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