Em yếu mềm, vì yêu

Đàn ông không tự tin lắm về nam tính dường như thích Thủ trưởng mình :D, hat tip to Anh Pham,

From boasting about the size of his penis (khoe khoang kích cỡ "cậu nhỏ") on national television (truyền hình quốc gia) to releasing (công bố, để lộ) records (hồ sơ) of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric (lời nói hoa mỹ, khoa trương; hùng biện) and behavior (hành vi) exude (rỉ, ứa) machismo (nam tính, lòng tự tôn của kẻ nam nhi). His behavior also seems to have struck a chord with (đánh đúng vào tình cảm của ai; gãi đúng chỗ ngữa) some male voters.

...What is 'fragile (mong manh, dễ vỡ) masculinity'?

Research shows that many men feel pressure to look and behave in stereotypically masculine ways — or risk losing their status as "real men." Masculine expectations are socialized from early childhood and can motivate men to embrace traditional male behaviors while avoiding even the hint of femininity. This unforgiving standard of maleness makes some men worry that they're falling short. These men are said to experience "fragile masculinity."

The political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity. By supporting tough politicians and policies, men can reassure others (and themselves) of their own manliness. For example, sociologist Robb Willer has shown that men whose sense of masculinity was threatened increased their support for aggressive foreign policy (chính sách ngoại giao hiếu chiến).

Tags: sex

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