Hết cả hứng đọc sách

vì đồng nghiệp cứ tiết lộ cái kết của sách đang đọc -> đâm luôn :D

Savitsky has told Russian investigators (nhà điều tra) that he saw red and attacked Beloguzov with a kitchen knife when he once again ruined the ending. His colleague is now reportedly in intensive care (điều trị tích cực) in hospital after being treated for a stab wound to the heart (tim). 

Savitsky is now back at home in St Petersburg under house arrest (quản thúc tại gia) after being charged with attempted murder. It is believed to the first time that a man has been charged with such a crime on the world’s loneliest continent (lục địa cô đơn nhất thế giới).

Tags: funny


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