Tài xế xe buýt liều mạng

dùng lưỡi liếm trán, vãi đạn :D

While some consider licking their nose with their tongue as a mean feat (kỳ công, kỳ tích, ngón điêu luyện), this man takes his 'talent' to a whole new level.

But the 35-year-old bus driver from Urlabari, Nepal, tries not to do it often - because he scares the kids.

Although by day Yagya works as staff on a local school bus, his amazing ability has made him a celebrity (người nổi tiếng) in his country.

This comes after his friend posted a video of him showing off his tongue skills on social media.

Yagya claims he has the world's longest tongue (lưỡi dài nhất thế giới) and is the only person in the world that can lick his forehead (trán).

Bài trước: Cười hơi sớm
Tags: funny


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