"Can't take my eyes off" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Will Fisher.

'Can't take (one's) eyes off sb/sth' nghĩa là không thể rời mắt khỏi ai/cái gì, vì họ/điều đó quá đẹp, hấp dẫn, thú vị, dễ chịu...

Ví dụ
Preeta blushes (đỏ mặt (vì thẹn, bối rối...); ánh hồng, nét ửng đỏ; liếc nhìn) and just can’t take her eyes off Karan.

I can’t take my eyes off Deepika because of how happy she looks. We are loving these inside pictures and we are keeping our eyes glued to the screens for more coming our way.

I can’t take my eyes off this pit (hố, hầm bẫy). I try imagining the 10,000-plus human bodies burning underneath the ground as they laid here on top of their friends and family members, awaiting their death.

We have munchkins and everything. There’s smoke and whirlwinds. It’s the most fabulous production. When I’m not on stage I stand in the wings and can’t take my eyes off the action. I love it. I sit there beaming. The director tells me I’m like his mother because I keep saying ‘this is my favourite bit. . . no, that’s my favourite bit now’.

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