Niềm vui của ptt Ngô Nghi

được tổng thống bush con hôn ở phòng bầu dục ;), 4 năm sau vẫn còn âm ỉ... :))
President Bush knew how to turn on the charm. As we walked down the steps of the Executive Office Building and toward the West Wing, he guided her between us, and we each held a hand as photographers snapped our picture. Once in the Oval Office, he talked with Wu Yi about U.S.-China relations and the importance of her role, then made a point of posing for pictures with her. Then, as our private meeting ended, he took her by the hands, bent down, and kissed her good-bye. Wu Yi didn’t say anything that day, but four years later, hosting a lunch for me in Beijing, she recounted with a twinkle in her eye, “I’ve met with a number of foreign leaders, but that was the first time I’ve ever been kissed in the Oval Office.”

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