Chu Vĩnh Khang nói gì với Bush cha

"cả đời tôi là người làm/bán dầu, và bạn luôn có thể tin tưởng một người làm/bán dầu" :))
China Telecom’s listing code number on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was 941. These numbers, as pronounced in Chinese, mean “survival in the midst of dangers.”

We invited Zhou and his colleagues to visit us in the States and arranged a meeting with the former president through his cousin George Herbert Walker IV, who worked in Goldman’s asset management division. On February 12 John Thornton, Mike Evans, and I flew down to Houston. We met Zhou at the former president’s office. President Bush’s son Neil greeted us and then took us to see the president. Zhou beamed, calling Bush an old friend of China. The president had founded Zapata, an oil driller, in the 1950s, and served as the head of the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing in 1974–1975 before normalization of relations. “I’ve been an oilman all my life,” Zhou told President Bush, “and you can always trust an oilman.”

“Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell,” (chủ nghĩa tư bản mà không có phá sản thì cũng như công giáo không có địa ngục) Frank Borman, the former astronaut turned CEO of Eastern Air Lines, once quipped.

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