Bế tắc ý tưởng kinh doanh

các tập đoàn lớn (như ford, nike, intel...) thuê (hoặc tự hình thành) nhóm/công ty tư vấn về phim (hư cấu) khoa học viễn tưởng, lên ý tưởng về thế giới tương lai vận hành như thế nào, để neo theo đó đón đầu xu hướng, và cho ra sản phẩm mới đáp ứng nhu cầu...
…the business world has been increasingly aware of the genre's potential. In 2017, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the professional services firm that advises 440 of the Fortune 500 companies, published a blueprint for using science fiction to explore business innovation. The same year, the Harvard Business Review argued that "business leaders need to read more science fiction" in order to stay ahead of the curve…

A number of companies, along with a loose constellation of designers, marketers, and consultants, have formed to expedite the messy creative visualization process that used to take decades. For a fee, they'll prototype a possible future for a [corporate] client, replete with characters who live in it, at as deep a level as a company can afford. They aim to do what science fiction has always done — build rich speculative worlds, describe that world's bounty and perils, and, finally, envision how that future might fall to pieces.

Alternatively referred to as sci-fi prototyping, futurecasting, or worldbuilding, the goal of these companies is generally the same: help clients create forward-looking fiction to generate ideas and IP for progress or profit. Each of the biggest practitioners believe they have their own formulas for helping clients negotiate the future. And corporations like Ford, Nike, Intel, and Hershey's, it turns out, are willing to pay hefty sums for their own in-house Minority Reports.

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