"See a mote in another's eye" nghĩa là gì?

cười tươi trong ánh mắt em dịu dàng... Photo courtesy The Whisperer of the Shadow.

'To see a mote in another's eye' nghĩa là nhìn thấy khuyết điểm của người dù chỉ bằng hạt bụi (mà không nhìn thấy khuyết điểm của mình).

Ví dụ
People, let's not get off-topic here. This is about vile Christian terrorists who engaged in sick act towards their own son.
-> Now let's count how many Muslims kill their son because he is gay. See how that works? Sir, you have seen a mote in the eye of a Christian when there is a beam in the eye of Muslims.

We must not forget that the EP tries to intervene in the process of the Council as an actor with full competence. This clearly runs counter to the Council Legal Service’s opinion which states there is no role for the EP under TFEU in this phase of the Article 7 procedure. Is rule of law really important here? Or better: you can see a mote in another’s eye yet cannot see a beam in your own?

After the events of Aug. 11 and 12, the world, or rather, that part of the world that devotes itself to the moral instruction of others, has told us that we must face our racist past (quá khứ phân biệt chủng tộc), purge (thanh trừng, làm sạch, thanh lọc) ourselves of vestiges (dấu vết, di tích) of white supremacy (da trắng thượng đẳng) and otherwise cleanse our souls. I wish that the moralists (nhà luân lý học, nhà đạo đức học) would look to themselves and begin some of their hoped-for reform at home. As the rabbi says, “You see a mote in your neighbor’s eye but miss the log in your own.”

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