Peidu nghĩa là gì?

là hiện tượng các gia đình nông thôn tq, ko chấp nhận gửi con lại ông bà ở quê, cho con lên thành phố học, (một người, thường là) mẹ ở nhà chăm con, nhà thuê cạnh trường học (bố đi làm ở đâu đó), quyết tâm đầu tư vào việc học hành của con cái, để đổi vận/đổi đời, nếu con học giỏi, thành công...

...But not all rural parents accept the inevitability of poor schools and left-behind children. It’s become increasingly common for rural families to enroll their children in urban, closer-to-home school systems in smaller cities and for one parent — usually the mom — to quit their job, rent an apartment close to their kid’s school, and devote themselves full time to caring for their child’s every need, usually while the other parent works elsewhere. Known in China as peidu, this practice essentially amounts to sacrificing one parent’s potential income in a long-term gamble on their child’s future. The risks are high — and for rural families, the financial pressures caused by the lost income are sometimes unbearable — but if it works and the child in question tests into a good university, it can change the entire family’s fortunes.

...Peidu can be just as taxing mentally as it is financially. By risking so much on their children’s education, peidu parents’ self-worth becomes linked to their kids’ academic fortunes. And if their children don’t perform well, parents often blame themselves.

The consequences of failure reach far beyond embarrassment. A child who fails the nation’s college entrance examination can leave rural peidu families in a state of despair. After almost two decades of sacrifice, they’re left with no savings and with no hope of a brighter future.

Tags: china

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