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Charter Communications - công ty mạng ở mỹ bị phạt 62,5 triệu usd vì cung cấp internet chậm, sai lời hứa với khách hàng

...New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood alleged that Charter, using its brand names of Time Warner Cable and later Spectrum, failed to provide the speedy internet service it promised customers. As a result of the settlement, over 700,000 active subscribers (người thuê bao) in New York will be paid $75 to $150 each for a total of $62.5 million in direct refunds (hoàn tiền, bồi thường). Additionally, 2.2 million active internet subscribers will receive free streaming services (dịch vụ phát video qua mạng miễn phí) and premium (cao cấp) channels from Charter valued at $100 million, according to Underwood's office.

"This settlement should serve as a wakeup call (lời thức tỉnh) to any company serving New York consumers: fulfill your promises, or pay the price," Underwood said in a statement. "Not only is this the largest-ever consumer payout by an internet service provider, returning tens of millions of dollars to New Yorkers who were ripped off and providing additional streaming and premium channels as restitution — but it also sets a new standard (đặt ra chuẩn mới) for how internet providers should fairly market their services."

Tags: economics

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