Tử tế thật thà thường thua thiệt

là đúng đấy, ít nhất về mặt tài chính,

không phải do ít thông minh hơn hay kiếm tiền ít hơn, mà do ít quan tâm đến tiền nên có lẽ không quản lý tiền bạc tốt,

Researchers have been very interested in personality (tính cách) traits (nét tiêu biểu, đặc điểm) in recent years—the "big five" include openness (sự cởi mở, thẳng thắn, chân thật), conscientiousness (sự tận tâm, ngay thẳng, làm theo lương tâm), extraversion (hướng ngoại), agreeableness (tính dễ chịu, dễ thương), and neuroticism*—and the types of outcomes they may predict. For instance, people higher in neuroticism appear to be less happy, but more creative (sáng tạo). People who are higher in conscientiousness are generally healthier and better at saving money.

Now, a new study from researchers at Columbia Business School and University College London finds that people higher in agreeableness—a trait that's exemplified by kindness (tử tế), "niceness" generosity, and warmth—also tend to have poorer financial outcomes than those lower in the trait.

...But it’s not that agreeable people are less smart or less able to make money, but they do seem to care less about it—so they may not handle money as well as less agreeable people. "We found that agreeableness was associated with indicators (chỉ số) of financial hardship (khó khăn về tài chính), including lower savings (tiết kiệm ít), higher debt (nợ nhiều) and higher default rates," said study author Joe Gladstone. "This relationship appears to be driven by the fact that agreeable people simply care less about money and therefore are at higher risk of money mismanagement."

* Individuals who score high on neuroticism (tâm lý bất ổn) are more likely than average to be moody and to experience such feelings as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness.
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