Kôn đồ nghĩa là gì?

from Dong Kien,

Kôn đồ không phải là một tính từ chỉ sự hung hãn, mà là một động từ chỉ việc dọn dẹp nhà cửa (một cách hung hãn) :) để hướng tới sự tối giản và xây dựng không gian sống toàn yêu thương,

sắp tết rồi, bạn đã kôn đồ nhà cửa chưa?

On Netflix, you can watch other people freak out about “tidying up” for 2019.

Entropy, that unpleasant byproduct of consumerism, has been a subject of reality TV almost since that genre’s genesis. From “Clean House” to “Hoarding: Buried Alive,” we’ve seen how pathological our relationship to stuff can be, and how powerless so many of us are to dig out from under it all. The home purge show is now as rigorously structured as the hero’s journey or a Petrarchan sonnet. In it we see the act of decluttering as a quest, and the tidied home as a proxy for our reborn selves.

It’s a form wonderfully suited to the animistic methods of Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying guru who taught the world to kiss its socks goodbye with a novel organizing principle: If your belongings don’t spark joy, thank them for their service and show them the door.

Her first book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up,” published in the U.S. in 2014, made her a superstar — maybe the world’s first decluttering celebrity — and a publishing behemoth; it is still a best-seller, with over 8.5 million copies sold in over 40 languages.

Tags: japan

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